How to Save the Most Money With Gift Cards

May 25, 2012
Saving Money Gift Cards

I wanted to share with you something that I have been doing lately. This little step can help you save more money on everyday expenses. I am using gift cards to maximize my savings and earn cash back. On average, I am able to save $3 or $4 per $100 gift card that I buy. This may not seem like a lot of money but if you do this multiple times over the course of the month and repeat it each month, you could be looking at hundreds of dollars in savings a year. Here’s how I use gift...

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My Financial Perfect Storm

May 23, 2012
financial problems

  I am attempting to pay off around $18,000 in consumer debt (We won’t talk about student loan debt yet, one step at a time!). A LOT went into building up 18 thousand dollars of debt. I thought I had learned my lesson after the last time I acquired debt and the filed bankruptcy. I thought that I understand the dangers of credit cards and was capable of making better decisions. I can look back now and see that I was clueless. I didn’t have the financial education that I needed to avoid debt in the future. Considering this, I am exploring options for a debt consolidation loan to streamline my repayment and manage my finances more effectively. And when...

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Being a Graceful Receiver: It’s More Than a “Thank You”

May 21, 2012
hand up

Giving a gift makes you feel good inside. You do it because you want to. And because you want to make the other person happy. Receiving a gift can be great joy. If it’s something you’ve wanted for awhile, the elation you feel can last for days. But there are times when receiving a gift can be a painful event. The simple act of accepting that gift can cause more grief than is intended. I have been on the painful side of gifts a number of times over the past couple of years. I have accepted gifts that I...

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Totally Money Blog Carnival for May 14, 2012

May 14, 2012
paying off debt cash

I’m lucky enough to host the Totally Money Blog Carnival today (and thanks to being away for the weekend, I’m late. Sorry guys!). A carnival, for those of you who are new to them, is a list of some great posts that were recently published on the web all in one location. Today it is here at The Debt Princess. My blog is about being in and getting out of debt. I talk a lot about the “how’s” and “why’s” I got into as much trouble as I did and I stress the importance of having financial conversations with...

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Mother’s Day Gifts I REALLY Want

May 9, 2012
Mothers day gift giving guide

As a single mom, mother’s day tends to be a non-event. My kids are young and don’t really remember what the day is. I’m not going to bring it up. It’s no longer their father’s responsibility to remind them either. It doesn’t bother me much, I don’t need to be celebrated. Spontaneous gifts like what I got the other day more than makes up for anything tangible that I could ever receive. I follow A LOT of moms on Twitter and I see hundreds of tweets (and Facebook updates) from people talking about how great their spouses are when...

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Epiphanies, Divine Intervention and Ohm

May 7, 2012
finding inner peace

As you know, I’ve spent the past 2 weeks on a blogging break. I’ve been using this time to catch up on some back logged work (you’ll see a giveaway that I posted as well as a couple of sponsored posts that I needed to publish). I rocked the socks off my midterm exam by scoring a 98%! Booyah! And I have spent the time doing a serious evaluation of my life. Recently, I have felt like I was having a midlife crisis. I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do with my life and I wasn’t sure if...

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Uprinting Giveaway

May 1, 2012
business card giveaway

I’m still taking my mental health break and I REALLY do need it but I wanted to pop back in here to offer up this Uprinting Giveaway! I am lucky enough to be a member of BloggyMoms and we have teamed up with Uprinting to offer you this giveaway! Uprinting is a great source for your business card printing. They have offered one lucky reader of The Debt Princess: 250 Die-cut Business Cards! (These are great if you have a conference coming up this year, like FinCon!) These business cards are offered with: 2×3.5″ Rounded Corners, 2×2″ Rounded Corners,...

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National Rebuilding Month 2012

April 27, 2012
national rebuilding month

Did you know that April was National Rebuilding Month? I didn’t either. I was informed when I was reading about a national campaign that the company Pfister is leading along with the organization, Rebuilding Together. After reading about this, I got to thinking about my own personal disaster. I have found myself failing at life lately. Things feel like they are falling apart slowly. My school work has slipped, I’m not freelance writing at the level that I should be, my blog is slipping by me and I haven’t a clue what I want to do with my life....

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