Yes folks, it’s true. The Ohio State University has accepted me into the College of Education: Teaching & Learning for a Masters Degree in Inclusive Education!!
I begin school on September 21st and I can not wait!!
There is much to be done before then. My list is long:
1. I need to secure financial aid/student loans.
2. Find an apartment (anyone want to co-sign for me?).
3. I, of course have to move up there.
4. I need to meet with an academic advisor to get my program laid out.
5. I also need to coordinate a parenting schedule with the kids father.
6. I may have to find child care for the boys when I have classes.
7. I need to find a job.
8. Need to purchase a couple of items for the apartment: dishes, pots for cooking and a couch.
I can not wait to accomplish all of these items. I am so very close to finally take a step forward! I can not wait!!
I also blog at A Five Star Life. I write about anything that comes to mind but try to focus on finding the good in daily life.
Jessica – I know it’s a lot on your plate right now, but take a deep breath. Focus on one thing at a time and soon you’ll have everything checked off your list. Congrats – things are looking up!
Thank you so much Madeline. Things are definitely looking up!! I found a place to live. It’s not ideal but I can totally make it work.
Jessica The DebtPrincess(Quote)
I am so happy for you!! Exciting things are around the corner for you and I think it’s just what you need!!
Thanks Lex. It’s about damn time, right?!!
Jessica The DebtPrincess(Quote)
on August 13, 2011 at 3:39 pm
Congrats again, Jessica! So happy for you!! You’ll do great and if you take night classes, you can substitute teach still!!! You go JESS!!!
That’s the plan Chris. And thank you for your support along the way.
Jessica The DebtPrincess(Quote)
SOOO happy for you! Congratulations!!
Thank you so much Jennie!!
Jessica The DebtPrincess(Quote)
If you let me know an address I would be happy to send you plates/bowls/glasses.
Recently divorced and they were a wedding present and I have no real desire to keep them. They were used for a little over a year…
Thank you, that is so sweet of you. But it would cost you way too much to ship them. Ikea has a set of like 16 pieces for 10bucks. That will work for me until such time that I want to get decent stuff.
Jessica The DebtPrincess(Quote)
Congrats!!!!!!! I had a feeling this is what would happen for you. I think this is a great step forward.
I have an M.Ed. in another area. I think you will enjoy grad school. It can be quite a bit different than undergrad!
Liz from WomanlyWoman.com(Quote)
Thanks Liz. I kinda want to get 2 Masters Degrees but not sure I can handle the work load, we’ll see. Coincidentally, it’s not a M. Ed. It’s consider a Masters of Arts. Such a strange program.
Jessica The DebtPrincess(Quote)
on August 16, 2011 at 3:31 am
Great news, Jessica! I’m excited for you.
Thanks so much Jess!! I’m so excited.
Jessica The DebtPrincess(Quote)