This post was written on behalf of eMortgage Calculator.
It’s the year 2012 and nearly everything is computerized now. I can do my banking, mail all my packages, pay all my bills and even do my grocery shopping from the comfort of my couch. There is very little need for anything beyond a computer when dealing with your finances.
If I want to apply for a credit card, I no longer have to wait for something to come in the mail. I can just go online to do so. If I want to find a mortgage to buy a home, I can use an emortgage calculator and be approved for one without talking to a banker. I can then find homes that I might love online without wasting hours driving the area.
All of this is great, for most people.
It’s not great for me. For some reason, I operate best using paper and pen. I need to write down my numbers and do the calculations in my head. I need to hold the different bills and receipts in my hand while I pull my hair out with the other. There is something about my mental capacity that just doesn’t like being computerized.
This is true for grad school as well. During my undergrad, everything was on paper. We held books in our hands and used real highlighters to mark what was important to note. But now, 15 years later, I find myself staring at a computer screen for hours on end wondering what information it was that I should have retained.
I have a class that I’m taking right now that involves A LOT of reading. There are multiple articles to read on fascinating topics each week. However, I find myself looking over the articles and not being able to focus on them or locate the most important of facts within the text.
My poor highlighters are sitting off to the side unused.
Just the other day I was working on a budget for the upcoming months. I am operating on a 3 month budget due to school loans. For some reason, I have to sit down with a calendar, a stack of my bills (I don’t do ebills.), a calculator, a pen and paper. I can not flip from screen to screen. I can not use one of the many wonderful budgeting tools that are available to me on the internet.
I’m stuck in the “olden days.”
But I’m trying. I’ve signed up for as many budgeting tools that I can find in the hopes that SOMETHING will stick. So far, no luck.
I also blog at A Five Star Life. I write about anything that comes to mind but try to focus on finding the good in daily life.