Setting a Goal: A Completely Insane and Totally Empowering Goal

March 18, 2012

A few years ago, while we were still married my husband and I started a fund to save for a family vacation. Our goal was to take the boys to Walt Disney World.

When we divorced, it began to feel like the two of us were racing each other to be the one who took the kids on the trip. Our situations, financially did not provide for either of us to make the trip. However, this past fall, I came up with an idea and presented it to my ex-husband.

That idea?

The four of us go to Walt Disney World together.

My goal is to go to Walt Disney World at this time next year. Spring Break 2013.

I sent my ex a text today that said to start saving his money because we are going next year. And we are all four going together.

Like any goal, the best way to make it come to fruition is to break it down in to smaller steps and accomplish each one on their own.


1. Set a vacation budget.

2. Begin to put money aside to fund the trip.

3. Sit down with the ex to discuss the trip.

4. Determine the duration of our stay.

5. Begin researching ways to save on a trip to WDW.

This is a lofty goal. My finances are just beginning to recover and I’m not out of debt yet. Realistically, I think that 2 years is probably more appropriate of a goal (and for that reason, I’m not planning on telling the kids that we are going). But I’m hoping that if I really stick my mind to this goal, I can make it a reality.

Have you been to Disney? Do you have any tips on going with kids (the ex and I went on our honeymoon but stayed off the resort)? I’d love to hear your ideas on how I can make this work.


Total Side Note: I went to Flickr to look for a picture to use for this post. I didn’t even type anything the search box and was the first one that Flickr showed. I don’t believe in signs but that was pretty cool.

I also blog at A Five Star Life. I write about anything that comes to mind but try to focus on finding the good in daily life.


23 Responses to Setting a Goal: A Completely Insane and Totally Empowering Goal

  1. Money Infant
    on March 19, 2012 at 4:27 am

    We went many times, but the most exhausting was when our boys were 9 months and 27 months old. If you have really young kids make sure you build time in for relaxing. And yes, even the 9 month old enjoyed the trip, especially the Peter Pan ride :)

    We also went several times when the boys were older and the same advice applies. Plan for down time, otherwise the parks will overwhelm all of you. Most importantly though, have fun! We are saving now as well to take our youngest to Disney, but not until she is at least 4 years old. :)
    Money Infant recently posted..


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 3:52 pm

      The boys are currently 6 & 9 so I think at 7 & 10 they’ll be at good ages. We HAVE to plan downtime. My oldest has anxiety already about encountering new rides. I know we’ll need time for him to decompress.


  2. Jana @ Daily Money Shot
    on March 19, 2012 at 9:04 am

    Disney World on a budget is totally doable (I actually wrote a post or two about it). Going during non-peak times, staying in a value resort, using their free transportation, watching your food budget (including bringing snacks and water bottles into the park, which actually is allowed)…these are all ways to cut costs and still have a great time!


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 3:57 pm

      I have read your posts Jana. And you can certainly count on me hounding you for advice when it gets closer!! I need to think of a reasonable budget first. Any ideas?


  3. Anne on March 20, 2012 at 12:16 am

    They usually offer pretty cheap packages at their All Star hotels – and there are a ton of money saving boards/blogs for doing Disney on the cheap. Good luck!


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 3:59 pm

      pretty sure that we will be staying in one of those cheaper rooms. I don’t care how cool it is to have a giraffe grazing off your balcony.


  4. Jackie Walters on March 20, 2012 at 9:02 am

    Just make sure that your communication lines are open with your ex-husband. This type of vacation is doable – I’ve seen it done by a few of my friends. It’ll be good for your kids as long as their are no pre-misconceptions on either your or your ex’s part. You need to get along.

    We stayed on site at one of their budget resorts and had breakfast in the room (cereal, poptarts,fresh fruit) – pack snacks/water for the park, we ate lunch at the parks and had a light dinner (mostly pizza) while we were there.

    We spent 5 days at the parks and had 2 down days at the resort pools. You need that down town.

    Check e-bay for tickets you might luck out there.

    To save some extra cash – shop at garage sales and sell those items on e-bay for extra cash.

    Enjoy the trip – just remember if you can’t do it next year 2014 will be just fine :)


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 4:03 pm

      Definitely been planning to buy at yard sales and sell on eBay. I should start tomorrow. Bet they’ll be some in the area.

      We have 2 park hopper tickets left over from our honeymoon for 1 day. It’s not much, but it’s a start! Will definitely check out ebay, never thought of that.


  5. Jackie Walters on March 20, 2012 at 9:07 am

    And Jessica – Disney World with the kids was the best vacation we ever took as a family.

    (Now if only my previous post didn’t have any spelling errors in it I would be happy!) – I do know how to use/spell the word there, their, they’re – oops! And that would be “down time” not “down town” – but if you get the chance to do Downtown Disney – do it. We had a blast!


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 4:01 pm

      want me to edit them?? lol I don’t like when that happens either!

      The ex and I went to Downtown Disney one night during our honeymoon but I don’t remember much about it.


  6. Christa on March 20, 2012 at 4:15 pm

    I went to Disney World when I was 13 and Disney Land when I was 18. For me, Disney World was definitely better (because I was young enough to enjoy it?), but I enjoyed Universal Studios even more. I’m starting to save now for Disney vacations, though, so I can take the kids at the ideal ages of the five to ten year old range.

    Have fun!


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 4:04 pm

      that’s the age range the boys are (currently 6 & 9) I went at 10 and remember it for the most part. My favorite attraction will always be the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse. I know Ean is going to love it too.


  7. Kari@Small Budget Big Dreams
    on March 21, 2012 at 12:18 am

    I went to Disney with my parents on a family vacation when I was about 5. According to my parents I was more excited about the pool at the hotel, then by Disney. My dad now lives in Florida so we typically go when we’re there. I’d say buy Park Hopper passes so you can do two parks in one day if you want. I’d also say pack snacks or get a meal plan. As I’m sure you already know, Disney snacks/meals are crazy expensive, so are drinks. Bring a water bottle with you and fill up at the fountains. I’ve stayed at a few of the resorts. For budget resorts I’d say the all-start music is my favorite.
    Kari@Small Budget Big Dreams recently posted..Clutter Causes Financial Chaos?


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 4:05 pm

      I’ve had a lot of people refer me to All Star. I think that sounds like the best option too.


  8. Elizabeth @ Broke Professionals on March 21, 2012 at 12:30 pm

    We are two peas in a pod, because saving for WDW was my goal a year ago! In March 2011, I started saving $150 a month for our Disney trip in August 2012. I actually managed to save more than that, and our trip is already paid for, plus I’ve got extra cash “hidden” to pay for extras along the way. Good luck with reaching your goal!
    Elizabeth @ Broke Professionals recently posted..Five Simple Work Fixes


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 4:06 pm

      Good for you Elizabeth!! I’m really hoping I can do it with FinCon still in the works before then and a car too. Big dreams.


  9. John | Married (with Debt) on March 21, 2012 at 2:32 pm

    Very cool idea, even better that you are saving in advance. I think you should go for it and find a way to make it a priority, even during debt repayment.
    John | Married (with Debt) recently posted..Stress at Work? Take an Office Vacation


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 4:07 pm

      I’m going to have to work my tail off to make it work with debt repayment, FinCon and a new-to-me car also in the works this year. But hopefully I can do it!


  10. Harry on March 21, 2012 at 7:17 pm

    Great advice on goal setting.

    You may want to check out, a very nicely built web app designed for tracking goals and todo lists, and supports time tracking too. It’s clear, focused, easy to navigate, worth a try.


  11. Daisy @ Add Vodka
    on March 22, 2012 at 12:17 am

    You must have a great relationship with your ex! That’s pretty awesome. I went to Disney as a kid, but don’t remember much about it.


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 12:29 am

      Not even close! I just REALLY want to take my kids to Disney!! :)


  12. Matt @ RamblingFever Money
    on March 22, 2012 at 8:16 am

    Putting your goal in writing is the best motivator to actually carry through. Life is too short to not go on vacation. Love your idea.
    Matt @ RamblingFever Money recently posted..


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on March 22, 2012 at 4:09 pm

      Thanks Matt. These boys totally deserve a vacation. They have had a very rough 4 years. Our separation was not easy (very chaotic actually) and it still haunts the boys. I really owe them something great.



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