A few weeks ago Jeff Rose ( on Twitter) sent out a tweet asking bloggers to join in a new project he had in the works. He wanted to get the word out about investing in Roth IRAs and was hoping to get a few bloggers to join him.
It has ballooned into more than 140 bloggers and a number of large organizations like The Wall Street Journal. I love when the Personal Finance community comes together to do something awesome!
I sent Jeff a tweet and accepted the challenge, even though I know VERY Little about Roth IRAs (I did write an article about it a few months back so I did some research on the topic.). Apparently Jeff that it was pretty awesome that an uneducated girl like myself wanted to make a change and he emailed me to discuss it. Our conversation is part of his blog post on the Roth IRA Movement. (Thanks for including me Jeff!).
The Truth
I still don’t know what I’m doing.
I’m not sure where to go to set up a Roth IRA. I’m not sure what the minimum is to be deposited or if I have to set it at a certain amount each month. I’m not sure if it is worth it to start now given that I still have debt and only a $1,000 emergency fund. BUT I am ready to find out the facts.
I have a lot of questions, I’m going to check out all the articles listed on The Roth IRA Movement’s Official Post at Good Financial Cents. In the meantime, who out there has some answers for me?
PS: This is going up WAY LATE. I was busy this weekend and out of town until a few hours ago. My mom does not have internet (it’s torture, too!) so I wasn’t online to get blog posts up, nor was I on top of things enough to schedule these posts before hand.
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I also blog at A Five Star Life. I write about anything that comes to mind but try to focus on finding the good in daily life.
Its good to see all of the Yakezie community coming together on Roth IRA movement. Thanks for sharing
Karunesh @ chase-a-dream.com(Quote)
on March 28, 2012 at 11:18 am
Go read my retirement series
Heh. Ok for your situation, here’s my take. You can start saving in an ING account (or any bank account) until you have about $1k saved up to make an initial Roth contribution. You don’t HAVE to have that saved — you can open an account at a bank or some other places for cheaper, and some institutions waive the minimum if you agree to regular contributions.
But the thing is, I worry about the fees nickel-and-diming you to bits. I think it’s worth saving up $1k and opening a Target Date fund with Vanguard, since you can open those specific funds with just $1k there. The fees are really low and it’s a good place to start and stay.
I think it’s worth it for you to save the money in a savings account too, right now, since you do just have the $1k emergency fund and some debt. This could be a little bit of a buffer, should you need it.
Kacie recently posted..Being upsold at the dentist?
My track coach used to say “Never stop moving, even if you only walk/hobble along, keep moving forward”. And that advice applies to your situation too I think. Even if it’s just a little here, and a little there. Take small steps to keep moving forward.
Carrie – Careful Cents recently posted..Investing Made Simple: A Beginner’s Guide to a Roth IRA
Carrie – Careful Cents(Quote)