Weekly Recap 1/22/2012: The Slacker Edition

January 22, 2012

So this is the Slacker Edition of the Weekly Recap. That would be because it is 12:45 on Saturday night. I spent the day at an event called “Kidzapalooza.” A huge kids fair with blow-ups, clowns and so much more. Imagine how I’m feeling tonight.

Let’s just say, I haven’t had a beer in months and I’m drinking one now.

This is also the slacker edition because I did not remember to keep tabs on great posts I read throughout the week. I was just too darn busy kicking ass.

However, here are three great places to find my kick ass writing:

Enemy of Debt – Where I write about 3 ways you are holding yourself back, I even give some ides on how to get over them.

3 Thrifty Guys – I write about being frugal when using credit cards. Apparently it IS possible to use credit cards effectively. Who knew?

BudgetAce – BudgetAce is a budgeting tool, still in Beta that offers some unique features. Ever lived with a roommate and had trouble dividing up the expenses? BudgetAce will work great for you. This week I wrote about how Twitter saved me money. Check it out and look for more posts from me on the site. 

Those three posts are some good writing, yo! Read, enjoy, comment!

Next week I’ll have more as I have a number of posts scheduled to go up.

I also blog at A Five Star Life. I write about anything that comes to mind but try to focus on finding the good in daily life.

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