Weekly Recap for 2/11/2012 – It’s All About the Love Edition

February 12, 2012

This hasn’t been a huge week for me. I’m struggling with my ADHD and I just haven’t been all that productive. 

It’s very easy to slip into depression when this happens. I feel like a failure when my ADHD gets the best of me. I’m 37 years old and ADHD makes me feel like a child. I hate that feeling.

I’m working very hard to avoid that slip and trying my best to hold it together. I’m trying to pull together a list of tools that help freelancers and bloggers remain on task and productive. If you have anything that works for you, please check out my post and leave me a comment.



  My own writing was not posted anywhere else on the internet this week, but there will be quite a few next week for you to check out.


  This week on my blog there was a guest post from Kacie at SensetoSave. Did you read it and then check out her site?


 Great Posts Around the Internet


  At Prairie Eco-Thrifter you have a challenge can you help End World Hunger? Miss T. gives you 5 simple ways to help with this cause.


  Rob at The Dough Roller did a week long series on earning extra income. I think we all could use some extra income and I intend to read every article in this series.


  Glen at Free From Broke gives us 25 Traits of the Not So Well to Do. I am, unfortunately able to relate to a couple of those, I’m not saying which ones though.


  Dr. Cabler at Celebrating Financial Freedom discuses Winning Without a Credit Score. This is one of the areas I have a conflict. I don’t need a credit score to buy a home or a house or get any credit whatsoever but I did get turned down for a job due to my credit score.


 This article from MSN Money tells us that some states are considering a ban on using credit scores for the purpose of employment. This is great news, in my opinion. I hope this continues to other states as my poor credit is in direct relationship to my inability to secure full-time employment.


There were so many other great posts this past week, I’m sure but I just haven’t been able to keep up on my reading. Maybe next week I’ll have more for you.

I hope your weekend was good. Enjoy your Sunday.

I also blog at A Five Star Life. I write about anything that comes to mind but try to focus on finding the good in daily life.

5 Responses to Weekly Recap for 2/11/2012 – It’s All About the Love Edition

  1. Miss T @ Prairie EcoThrifter on February 12, 2012 at 9:47 am

    Sorry you haven’t been having the best week. It happens to all of us sometime or another. Next week should be better.

    Thanks for including my article on world hunger and spreading the word. I really appreciate the support.


  2. Jason Cabler (@DrCabler) on February 12, 2012 at 5:22 pm

    I just said a prayer for you and wish grace for you in your struggle. I don’t know your religious persuasion, but I know that for me, trusting in God always sees me through my struggles.

    Thanks so much for mentioning my article. I understand your conflict with the article since you got turned down for a job because of your credit score. My point was that if you are striving to be debt free you shouldn’t be worried about your score. As long as you’re proactive and tell your potential employer that your score is low or nonexistent because you are out of debt, they shouldn’t have a problem.

    However, if your score is low due to legit credit problems, that’s something totally different. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot you can do about that except make an effort to improve your situation. When you do that, eventually you won’t have to worry about what your score is.

    Getting out of debt can be a long hard road, but anyone can do it. And take it from me, life will be much sweeter and less stressful when you do. Keep after it and you will make it!
    Jason Cabler (@DrCabler) recently posted..


    • Jessica The DebtPrincess on February 13, 2012 at 1:14 pm

      I don’t have to worry about my credit score for the most part. The only issue is that I’d like to remove the cosigner from my lease when I renew in October. Actually, my cosigner would like that to happen. If they stick to the credit score then that will never happen. But I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.


  3. Glen Craig on February 14, 2012 at 7:07 pm

    Thanks for mentioning my Traits article.

    I have many days when I can’t focus on my work. It’s just tough sometimes.
    Glen Craig recently posted..Alternatives to Foreclosure


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