Weekly Recap 2/25/2012 Crazy, Wicked, Doh Edition

February 26, 2012


It’s the crazy, the wicked and the doh edition!

I’ve got very little to say tonight, which is really rare for me. I’m mentally exhausted. My two grad classes plus freelancing has wiped me out recently. I’ve got something going on (maybe I’ll talk about it soon) and it’s taking A LOT out of me.



So this week, I STARTED WORKING OUT!!! And I like it. Shhh don’t tell anyone. I’ve even lost 3 pounds since I started the 30% Off Challenge.



Here is where you can find my writing around the web:



I’d like to highlight some posts from my Yakezie Team:

buuuut I’m an idiot and I lost my list of every site I’m supposed to be promoting and I’m worried I forgot someone and umm I’m a huge slacker in the group and I apologize and you all rock and I do not and feel free to kick me in the butt.



The week did have a few ups and downs. Two of my jobs ended, of course they had to be the highest paying of my jobs. That’s how I roll. I resigned from one because I was feeling overwhelmed and that I may have been in over my head. Three days later another big job ended (not because of me) which basically made my resigning from the previous job a bad decision. Too late to worry about that now. I’m just going to really focus on the remaining jobs I have and try to write better for them.



I also blog at A Five Star Life. I write about anything that comes to mind but try to focus on finding the good in daily life.

2 Responses to Weekly Recap 2/25/2012 Crazy, Wicked, Doh Edition

  1. Andi @ MealPlanRescue
    on February 27, 2012 at 10:45 pm

    I still love you! Go team 5. :)


  2. John | Married (with Debt) on February 28, 2012 at 9:41 am

    How do you find time for it all? Congrats on the new workout routine. I’m trying to make mine stick.
    John | Married (with Debt) recently posted..Make a Monthly Debt Budget: Rule 3


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